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What is Google Family Link?

The answer to the questions of what is Google family link and how to use it , which helps us to control our children’s smartphones and tablets, is in our article.

Smartphones and tablets produced by dozens of different brands have become an important part of our lives.

We all use these devices every day.

Our children can now start using these devices at a very young age.

Unfortunately, these devices, which can be shown as an information center for our children, also contain harmful content.

We may encounter websites or applications that we do not want our children to see or use.

In order to avoid such a problem, we need to be in control.

Google family link is an amazing application that comes into play at this stage.

Games on tablets and smartphones are extremely attractive to children.

It is also possible to say that it is beneficial for them to a certain extent.

However, when the time spent on tablets and smartphones rises to very high levels, serious damages occur.

Access to harmful content is also a plus.

Banning these devices altogether is not the right move.

Instead, it is necessary to take control using Google family link .

The application that allows parents to control devices such as tablets and smartphones used by their children is called Google family link .

Thanks to this system created by Google for parents, a negative situation in the development of our children can be prevented.

Since the application is very simple to use and offers many different advantages, the number of people using this application is increasing day by day.

Unfortunately, there are still parents who are unaware of this great app.

What Can Be Controlled With Google Family Link?

Reaching millions of users in a short time, Google family link offers many different opportunities together.

This application is offered free of charge so that families can use it easily and the development of children is not adversely affected.

Also, there is no package system.

You will have the opportunity to easily access all the opportunities in the application.

Let’s take a look at these opportunities together.

You Decide Which App To Use

You will be able to decide which application your child can use and which application cannot.

If there is a game that your child constantly plays or an application that you think is harmful for him, you can ensure that he does not use this application.

By examining the applications on your child’s device, you will have the opportunity to ban the application you want.

Possibility to Block Applications

You can think that an application that is already on the devices is not suitable for your child and prevent them from using it.

However, this does not prevent your child from easily downloading and using a similar application.

For this reason, there is an application blocking option by Google family link .

You will be able to prevent the download and installation of desired applications.

Viewing Screen Time

One of the biggest complaints of parents is that they spend too long on these devices.

It is extremely beneficial for children to do research and get new information.

In addition, the games played can also contribute to its development.

However, prolonged use can cause both inability to spare time for other activities and damage to eye health.

With the Google family link application, you can easily see how long your child has been using the device.

Weekly and Monthly Activity Reports

You may not be able to constantly control your child’s device due to your own work and social life.

Without your knowledge, your child can access the device and start using it.

In such a case, weekly and monthly reports are created to let you know.

The dates and times when the specified terms of use are exceeded can be clearly displayed.

Limiting Screen Time

You can verbally advise your child to use the device.

However, it is difficult to say that this is very effective.

Even though you can see how much screen time you use, it’s too late.

However , with the Google family link , you can limit the screen time.

Thus, your child’s daily usage time will be clearly determined.

Set Device Sleep Time

In addition to the amount of daily use of the device, it is also important at what hours it is used.

Children who spend time with devices during hours when they should normally sleep or study can be seriously harmed.

With the family link, you will be able to determine at what time the device will go into sleep mode.

Thus, the device will automatically switch to sleep mode at the time you want and become unusable.

Opportunity to See the Location of the Device

Although our children know that they should not lose their tablet or smartphone, they can be extremely distracted.

People who want to steal devices also take advantage of these distractions of children.

With the Google family link application, you have the opportunity to see the location of the device.

Thanks to this opportunity, you will be able to see the location of both the device and your child.

Definitely one of the most useful features offered by the app.

Remotely Locking the Device

The last opportunity you will get with the Family link application that you will start using will be to lock the device.

You can lock the device in case your child starts using the device at a time you don’t want and doesn’t listen to you.

Similarly, it will be a very useful process to perform the locking operations when the device cannot be found.

What is Required to Use Google Family Link?

The Family Link application, produced by Google, is extremely simple to use.

In the first place, the factors that are necessary for use need to be brought together.

First of all, you need a device that can remove the Google family link application to track your child’s electronic device usage .

Every year, the operating systems that can use this application are updated.

If you and your child’s device do not have Android Nougat 7.0, iOS 9.0 or higher operating system version, you will not be able to use this useful application.

Google family link application can work with Android 5 or Android 6 operating systems .

However, it will not be possible to say that the application will work in full efficiency.

Not all control possibilities offered by the application may be used.

In addition, it will cause the devices to slow down considerably.

If you have 2 devices that can handle the latest versions of operating systems, you have succeeded in the first factor.

The second thing you need to have is your Google account.

A Google account is required for both you and your child.

After logging into these accounts, it is possible to use the application.

How Does Google Family Link Work?

If you have the right devices, you can start by getting a Google account for your child and yourself.

If you have your own account, you need to create a Google account for your child.

However, if your child is under the age of 13 , you will need to create a special account for your child at .

When your child reaches the age of 13, you can change their account to a regular Google account.

The second thing to do is to download the Google family link application on both devices .

After the download and installation processes are complete, the accounts need to be paired with each other.

After pairing, all control will pass to the parent’s app.

You can make the necessary adjustments either through the application or from the official website created for the Google family link .

After logging in with your own Google account, you can start to manage your child’s electronic device by reviewing the directives that will appear.

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