How much of your life has been or can be saved online? The photos and videos of many of us are recorded in our social media accounts. What should I do to avoid losing them? Backup of course. Do you know how to backup facebook account and instagram account? For those who don’t know, we explain step-by-step backups of social media accounts.

Taking backups of social media accounts
There used to be disks, in which we put everything we wanted to back up. Our memories, our videos, our photos. Later, online storage systems came out, google doc came out, dropbox came out. However, these online storage systems are still not used much in our country. Social media is the place we mainly use to store our photos, videos and memories. When this is the case, the protection of social media accounts also becomes more important.
You might not think of yourself as a person to keep a magazine or even a blog, but over the years you may have shared thousands of words, photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Facebook, Twitter or Google are very unlikely to lose all your data, but by backing up your accounts you can save all your user history, status updates, videos and photos and messages.
There are different methods and techniques used by each social network, but from all of them you can request and download all your data for free.
How to backup Instagram account?
You can use many methods to back up your Instagram account. The important thing when choosing the methods you will use is to decide what you want to backup for. Because you can download the photos you want from Instagram, you can download the videos you want separately or in bulk.
You can download your photos individually or in bulk with many applications on the Internet. Also, many google chrome extensions provide this process. What you should not forget is to be careful when choosing the application or plugin you will use. Examine comments from users of the plugins.
You can use a secondary website to back up Instagram photos. Some website or mobile apps allow you to download your entire account as a zip file. It also helps to export data to Facebook or Flickr.
All of these apps work the same way. Click the “Download your data” button to keep things simple and download everything at once. This will take you to the screen where you have to enter your password again. If you want, you can scroll down to the “Choose a service” section to select individual services to download data and simply click Create Archive.
How to backup everything on Instagram?
Instagram offered a service to its users so that they can back up all their data. This service allows an Instagram user to send all the posts, videos and even messages in a zip file to your e-mail from the very beginning of their account. To back up Instagram in bulk, you need to be able to log in to the registered e-mail address. Otherwise, you will not be able to get the zip file.
Instagram backup step by step
Open the app and login to your account.
Go to your profile and tap on the three lines in the upper right corner.
1- Tap on the settings at the bottom of the screen. This part is included as settings for those who use Instagram in English.
After entering the settings, tap on the privacy and security section.
2- On the privacy and security screen, tap download data.
It is located at the bottom of the screen.
3- Your registered e-mail address is automatically displayed on this screen. After touching the submit download request button, you will come to the password screen.
After entering your Instagram password, all your data will be sent to your e-mail account as a zip.
How to backup Instagram dm?
Instagram chat refresh is done within the steps we mentioned above. When a zip file is sent from Instagram to your e-mail, this file contains all the data you can think of. Instagram message backup may not include photos lost within 24 hours. Because when you want to send data from Instagram, this process can take up to 48 hours to complete.
How to save Instagram messages?
Your Instagram messages will remain saved there unless you delete them. Unless, of course, the sender of the message retracts the message. However, if you want to take precautions, you can immortalize that moment by taking a screenshot as soon as you see the message. Deleted photos can also be sent as a disappearing message from Instagram dm. You can also save these photos if you want. Taking a screenshot is a good method for this.
What data is in the Instagram backup file?
Instagram will send you a zip after the backup process and everything is in the zip. Profile information, if this profile information has changed, when it changed, what it was changed to, bio information, your comments on posts shared by others, your likes, messages, photos you uploaded, videos you uploaded and all content. You can take each of them in separate files and store them wherever you want.
Why is Instagram backup important?
Although the Internet is tried to be a safe environment, it is still not a very safe environment. Internet hackers can enter the mail accounts of giant companies and the systems of giant banks. Naturally, they can easily take over your instagram account, facebook or other social media accounts. For this reason, it is necessary to regularly download the Instagram account, that is, to renew the Instagram account. Thus, even if your account falls into the hands of someone else, you will at least save your shares.
[Bonus] 3 things you need to do to avoid hacking your Instagram account
Change your Instagram password regularly, try to change your password at least every three months.
Make your Instagram backup.
Do not buy or download third party apps, never log in with your password.
Do not leave your account open on many different devices that do not give your account information to others.
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