Although you have not made any changes over time, you can see that your Instagram viewing rates have decreased, your likes have decreased, and your comments have almost completely stopped. There may be many reasons for these sudden changes in many social media channels such as Instagram. Instagram algorithm updates are one of these reasons. However, besides all of them, a shadowban may also have caused this. What is shadowban that most social media managers do not know, and how to get rid of it, we explain in this article.
What is an Instagram shadowban?
First of all, it is necessary to clarify what the term “shadowban” means and to remove the ambiguity here. The term was first coined by a photographer who noticed his photos were not appearing in some hashtag searches in early 2017. However, we all know that many photos may not appear on the tags used, or different people can see different photos on the same tags.

It has not been publicly obvious that there is an algorithmic ranking applied to hashtag search results on Instagram. This means that different users may see different content results for certain searches. The same user may even see different content when viewing the same search at different times. So no, if your image doesn’t appear when you post on any hashtag, it doesn’t mean you got a shadowban.
Shadow ban means something like shadow ban or limitation in Turkish. This is a situation that explains the number of followers, decreasing likes or decreasing comments for no reason. As for account restrictions, they only occur when an account or user behaves in such a way that Instagram appears spammy in nature. These, These are the types of activities that exceed a limit determined to be in the “normal” user range. So what are these limits? Let’s separate them more specifically.
Effect of followed limit on shadowban
In fact, although it seems that unlimited people can be followed on Instagram, you can follow up to 7500 people on Instagram. Once you reach that number, you need to unfollow someone before you can follow someone new.
It will be very difficult for the average user to successfully interact with so many people or with this much content. However, there is no limit to how many people can follow your account, regardless of whether you are a personal account or a business account. Instagram also has strict limits on the number of people you can follow in a given period of time, but several factors influence this number. New accounts have lower limits on the number of accounts they can follow on an hourly or daily basis.
While Instagram has some clearly outlined limits, the limits on how many accounts you can follow hourly and daily are not clearly defined anywhere. Generally accepted figures are 30 followers per hour and 800 people per day. However, we should point out again that accounts that constantly send new follow requests may receive a spam tag. At this point, he may have been caught on Instagram’s radar without even realizing it. This means that your events exist but are not seen by many people. Forcing Instagram limits more than once in a short time, performing spam-like actions, even if not spam, can cause the situation we call shadowban.
How to get rid of Instagram Shadowban?
If you are thinking about how to remove Shadowban or how to get rid of this shadowban, you should first examine the activities of your account. Because your account activities put you in the eyes of Instagram. The more followers you have, the more your posts get likes and comments, the more your posts are shared, your stories are watched and your stories are shared, the more your credit will increase on the Instagram side. In other words, the movements that push the limits you make can be more understandable. If you are blocked, it can be removed faster and in a shorter time than other accounts.
We know that we can put up to 30 tags (hashtags) per post.
As we mentioned in our previous articles, 20th is actually the most ideal. If you don’t want to tire your followers, but still want to stand out in the content somehow, keep the hashtag number limited or add it to the image as a comment later.
Also, don’t forget that you can tag up to 20 people per post.
When you want to tag more people or accounts, you will be spammed.
The ideal answer to the question of how to remove a Shadowban is to stay away from spam activities. In addition, as we mentioned above, having popular Instagram accounts and having many followers prevents your account from entering what we call shadowban.
Sometimes, even if you do not reach those limits, if you are approaching them very often, you will be slightly blocked by Instagram as a precaution. br /> Since the number of followers will not increase easily or in a short time, at this point, you can choose to buy reliable, organic followers. You can contact us in order to solve all problems instantly and permanently in various account bans or various account problems. The easiest way not to get caught in this situation or to get out of the shadowban is to increase the number of followers.
As the number of followers will not increase easily or in a short time, at this point, you can choose to buy reliable, organic followers. . You can contact us in order to solve all problems instantly and permanently in various account bans or various account problems. The easiest way not to get caught in this situation or to get out of the shadowban is to increase the number of followers.
As the number of followers will not increase easily or in a short time, at this point, you can choose to buy reliable, organic followers. . You can contact us in order to solve all problems instantly and permanently in various account bans or various account problems.
You can become a member of our site to grow your Instagram accounts and increase your followers, likes and views. You can view all products on our product page.